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2nd Beet Resources Conference, Oct 6 7 2022 Organized by the Institute of Computational Biology, BOKU, Vienna, Austria Meeting to connect beet researchers and br...
People Name Phone extension Univ.Prof. Dr. Heinz Himmelbauer 79155 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Juliane Dohm 79156 Simeon Bruck, BSc 79152 Mag. Chris...
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Research Plant genomics We have been studying the genome of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) starting with the construction of a physical map and a reference genome se...
Open positions PhD students and Postdocs * Currently no open positions. Master students * We have a number of Master thesis projects available which l...
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Dimitrios Botskaris, MSc 2017 MSc. in Evolution Biodiversity and Conservation, University of Leiden, Department of Biology, Netherlands 2014 B.Sc., MSc. in Forest...
Gil Yardeni, PhD Evolutionary biologist, bioinformatician, botanist Publications TBA
Lisa Blazek, Dipl. Ing. Doctoral student at the Institute of Computational Biology.Mail: lisablazekPhone: 43 1 47654 79152BOKU Profile Member of Doctoral School ...
Lukas P. Grossfurthner postdoctoral research associate Publications Grossfurthner LP, Milano ER, Hohenlohe PA, Waits LP, Richardson BA. 2023. Population structur...
Lukas Schönmann Contact: lukas.schoenmann I'm currently working towards a master's degree in biotechnology here at the University of Life Sciences, Vienna. My mai...
Markus Hickel Systemadministrator Contact MUG II Phone internal 79020Phone external 43 1 47654 79020Email markus.hickel
Sabine Felkel, PhD 2o2o ::: Award ::: Award of Excellence Austrian State Award for the best dissertations 2o19 ::: PostDoc ::: Himmelbauer lab at BOK...
Thomas Holzweber Master student Interests: genome assembly, long read sequencing data, software engineering, algorithms Room: MUG II, 06/07 Email: thom...
How subgenomes evolve Parental components in hybrid plant genomes The Institute of Computational Biology developed a method to measure the intermixing state of s...
* Jobs * People * Research * Infrastructure * Publications * Contact * Privacy policy Internal " warn="off"}% "}%
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