PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or
browse all packages.
See also
Developing plugins,
Developer's Bible,
Technical Overview
internal package
filters for importing
- html - convert a set of html files to foswiki format, need a remove_prefix, remove_postfix, html2tml,
- rename webs - list of from -> to conversions, including some mechanism to merge webs together (drop dups, merge dupes, rename second dup..)
- skipdistrotopics - work out what topics are unmodified by wiki users (ie, shipped in the release) and skip those that were from the old (or twiki) release
- check / fix up attachments - ./rest /UpdateAttachmentsPlugin/update -topic Web
- initialise Tags (given a tag, tag that topic if the topic contains the tag word) -
- my $cmd = "grep '\\-\\-\\-+' ../data/$params{web}/*.txt | grep -s $tag | sed 's/..\\/data\\/$params{web}\\//.\\/rest \\/TagMePlugin\\/addTag tag=$tag webtopic=$params{web}./' | sed 's/.txt.*//' | sh";
nothing( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params ) → ( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params )
does nothing - copy to create a new filter.
text_regex( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params ) → ( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params )
runs a regex over the topic text (only)
uses 2 params, separated by a ; eg:
chkLinks( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params ) → ( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params )
- chkLinks - check for URLs and wiki links, report on them with frequency, broken link, missing topic, html links to in-wiki topics
skiptopics( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params ) → ( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params )
- skiptopics - Skip topics named in list - used to skip this plugin's check reports when checking
selecttopics( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params ) → ( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params )
- selecttopics - Skip topics other than those named in list
userweb( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params ) → ( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params )
- userweb(fromwikitype;fromwebname) - used to import a USERWEB (Main by default) from a potentially old installation to this wiki (hardcoded to import to Main web atm)
- fromwebtype - twiki or foswiki (default to foswiki)
- userwebname - webname to import users from (defaults to Main)
- uses the TCP hash to convert topic names from twiki to foswiki
- assumes TopicuserMapping
selectwebs( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params ) → ( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params )
- selectwebs - only import a specified list of webs (csv in $params{params}), skip the others.
twiki( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params ) → ( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params )
- convert topic text that refers to TWiki topics who's names have changed
- Main web renames and migration is left to the userweb filter
report on everything that you did!
converturls( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params ) → ( result=>$params{result}, web=>$params{web}, topic=>$params{topic}, text=>$params{text}, attachment=>$file, params=>$params )
- converturls - convert literal URL's to topic links * start with http(s?)://host/view/ and http(s?)://host/pub/ * can i add regex safely? * then add SCRIPTURL/view * think about pub, and other