50 recent changes in System Web retrieved at 01:21 (Local)

Smilies Plugin : ) Smilies are common in e mail messages and bulletin board posts. They are used to convey an emotion, such as a smile : ) or a frown : ( . This p...
TWikiCompatibilityPlugin Usage Automatically maps requests for legacy TWiki web topics to Foswiki free topics as per TopicNameMappingTable. Map TWIKIWEB to SYSTE...
Linking to a file attachment A link to a file attachment may be created in a few different ways: 1 If using the WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCEPlugin), use the attach ...
Escaping Foswiki rendering Use the verbatim tag to surround code excerpts and other formatted text with = verbatim = and = /verbatim = tags. For Example: verbati...
Server side include To include the contents of a web page or Foswiki topic, use %INCLUDE{"page"}%. Examples: This example requires {INCLUDE}{AllowURLs} enabled in...
Commenting with hidden text To hide sections of a Foswiki topic, use HTML comments. Example comment within a sentence: Visible ! and hidden text Example spa...
SpreadSheetPlugin for dynamic content Over 80 formulae are available through the SpreadSheetPlugin. For Example: * $AVERAGE() * $IF() * $REPLACE() * $...
Tips Contrib Package Displays a rotating "Tip of the Day" to help familiarize new users with Foswiki features. Includes an application for creating custom tips fo...
User Settings preference settings customizable by users Some of the preference settings are explicitly intended to be customized by users, though a default is p...
#VarEDITTABLE EDITTABLE{ attributes } edit tables using edit fields and other input fields * The %EDITTABLE{}% macro is handled by the EditTablePlugin * ...
JQICONPATH render the url path to an image icon This is a shortcut for: Note that this macro only makes sense for image icons, those that refer to a single image ...
JQPLUGINS display a summary of available plugins Parameters Parameter Description Default "plugins" this is a regular expression that...
POPUPWINDOW opens a topic or url in a new window Parameters Parameter Description Default "topic" topic="topic" topic="web.topic" T...
RENDERLIST render bullet lists in a variety of formats The %RENDERLIST% macro is handled by the RenderListPlugin Examples * Engineering * Tech Pub...
SLIDESHOWSTART convert a topic with headings into a slideshow Handled by the SlideShowPlugin Parameters Parameter Description template optional n...
TABPANE tabpane widget This macro starts the tabpane, containing a series of TAB...ENDTABs and ends with ENDTABPANE. A complete tabpane normally looks like this: ...
TWISTYHIDE Hide/close link Parameters Parameter Description Default id Used to link TWISTYSHOW, TWISTYHIDE and TWISTYTOGGLE required ...
TWISTYSHOW Show/open link Parameters Parameter Description Default id Used to link TWISTYSHOW, TWISTYHIDE and TWISTYTOGGLE required ...
TWISTYTOGGLE Twisty Toggle contents section Parameters Parameter Description Default id Used to link TWISTYSHOW, TWISTYHIDE and TWISTYT...
WEBLIST index of all webs Generate a list of webs. Obfuscated webs are excluded, e.g. webs with a NOSEARCHALL = on preference setting. The "format" defines the fo...
RSS News Feeds Find out What's New There are several ways to find out what's new in each web: 1. Visit WebChanges to see recent changes 1. Subscribe in...
What is a WikiWord? A WikiWord consists of two or more words with initial capitals, run together. WikiWords are used to refer to topics. WikiWords refer to topics...
Settings for WysiwygPlugin that are common to most editor integrations WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE Prevent WYSIWYG editing The global preference setting WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE c...
System Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #B9DAFF * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * Set WEBSUMMARY = * Set NOAUTOLINK = off TOC settings * ...
This topic is needed for normal operation even if System web is restricted. * Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = *
ENDTWISTY complements an opening TWISTY tag to close a twisty Closes an open twisty Related
ENDTWISTYTOGGLE Twisty closure Will end the most inner unclosed Twisty Toggle section, using the proper tag Examples %ENDTWISTYTOGGLE% Related
TWISTY generate content block with interactive visibility controls This renders the button as well as the toggled content section contained within this and the cl...
TWISTYBUTTON Shorthand version for TWISTYSHOW TWISTYHIDE This is useful if both the show and the hide button take the same arguments. Parameters All parameters...
JQueryLoader %JQPLUGINS{"loader" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% This plugin allows to reload parts of a p...
JQueryAjaxHelper This page contains a set of example JQueryPlugin helpers that can be used in wiki applications. The examples demonstrate how you can dynamically ...
JQueryUI %JQPLUGINS{"ui" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% Widget collection for jQuery. This is the officia...
FastCGI Engine Contrib Permits Foswiki to be executed with FastCGI Overview FastCGI is a technology to deliver dynamic web content. It differs from CGI cause it ...
JQueryTabpane Plugin Info %JQPLUGINS{"tabpane" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% Summary This implements ...
JSCalendarContribInline Inline include of JSCalendarContrib HTML for use in forms. Initializes the library (called only once) %ADDTOZONE{ "head" id="JSCa...
JQueryStars %JQPLUGINS{"stars" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% Flexible and non obstructive star rating. T...
TinyMCE Editor Help Summary * Normal Normal text style * Heading 1 6 Headings; 1 is largest * On save, content in this HTML editor is automatical...
JQueryFluidFont %JQPLUGINS{"fluidfont" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% Recompute the font size of an eleme...
JQueryFocus %JQPLUGINS{"focus" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% This plugin sets the focus on a form input ...
JQueryFontAwesome %JQPLUGINS{"fontawesome" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% This plugin adds support for th...
JQueryMasonry %JQPLUGINS{"masonry" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% Masonry is a JavaScript grid layout lib...
JQueryPNotify %JQPLUGINS{"pnotify" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% Full featured plugin to show temporary...
JQuerySuperfish %JQPLUGINS{"superfish" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% Superfish is an enhanced Suckerfish...
JQueryUITooltip Summary %JQPLUGINS{"ui::tooltip" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% Usage To load the libr...
JQueryWikiWord %JQPLUGINS{"wikiword" format=" Homepage: $homepage Author(s): $author Version: $version " }% This plugin allows to create a WikiWo...
WIKINAME your Wiki username The WikiName is the same as %USERNAME% if not defined in the . topic. This macro is an alias for the USERINFO macro with a fixed forma...
WIKIUSERNAME your Wiki username with web prefix Your %WIKINAME% with web prefix, useful to point to your Foswiki home page This macro is an alias for the USERINF...
Pattern Skin Elements Some intro text. Text. Heading 1 text Heading 2 text Heading 3 text Heading 4 text Heading 5 text Heading 6 text A very very very ver...
JEditableContrib This add on packages up the jQuery "JEditable" plugin from Miko Tuupala. This excellent little plugin gives you edit in place capability with man...
Number of topics: 50
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This topic: System > WebHome > WebChanges
Topic revision: 17 Nov 2015, ProjectContributor
15 Mar 2025 - 01:21 Foswiki v2.1.9